Ok, so admittedly, I don't watch very much television.
There was a time (about 4 years ago!) when I'm sure I watched a lot more,
but since moving west for the first time (fall '05), I haven't watched much - I didn't even own a television for much of this time.
That said, there have been shows that I've gotten hooked on. I won't mention them all here (cause the comments of shock and awe might be detrimental to my health & well being!), but lately I've been watching a couple that have both made me laugh and cry (not literally) at the same time. I laugh at the stupidity of some people and cry at the sadness that this world offers in helping people believe what they do.
Let me just jump around a minute.
Reality shows. What do you think about them?
I have loved watching survivor in the past - human interaction, travel, strategy and playing the game - love it!
Back to the topic!
Lately I have been watching 2 reality shows on Monday night. They are back to back, so I don't even have to get up from the couch (wow! lazy! but we aren't talking about my lack of keeping goals here!). The 2 shows are:
The Bachelor
True Beauty
**please, no comments that will be detrimental to my health & well being!!** ;)
So the bachelor. Yes, deep down inside I am a girl who wants to meet and marry the man of my dreams. Would I ever do something along this line to bring that about? Never! Thankfully I have a faithful God who has promised to give me the desires of my heart - no matter how long I have to wait and attempt to be patient for it.
What interests me about this show is the means that these women will go to to get this guys attention. Its pretty disgusting in some cases. I know, I play into the ratings by watching when I could easily change the channel or even turn the tube off...I just can't resist. Watching the reactions and interactions of the people is just too interesting to me.
The show I've watched afterwards is called True Beauty. I'm not a big fan of it, actually, but I'm hooked. The idea of it is they've brought in a group of men and women who are competing (so to speak) to be America's most beautiful person. They go through various outer beauty things to gain respect of the judges. The kicker is that different scenarios are set up each week to see how much inner beauty each person has - did they give money to the charity on the corner? did they help the cyclist who hit the curb and flew off? did they hold the door open for the person with their arms full? Small details such as that.
Human nature has us all as sinners - even a baby learns to say "No!" very early on in life.
Society tells us we should help ourselves and focus on the outward before even thinking of what's inside.
The Bible says in Isaiah that my name (and yours!) is written on the palm of God's hand. It also says in Psalm 139 that I am fearfully and wonderfully made, that I was woven together intricatly in my mom's womb, that He formed my inner most parts, that He knows me well and that His thoughts towards me are precious.
Talk about true beauty!
2 days ago
I can't believe you're still watching true beauty!!!!
My dear friend...I wrote this almost a week ago cause I used the idea of true beauty in devotions with the women.
you know you would be watching with me if you were there =p
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