Its late. I should be in bed getting some zzz's. Yet here I am sitting by the fire, thinking about going upstairs to bed. Some day I will learn my lesson!
Are you a resolution making kind of person?
I don't believe I am generally, though this year I have made some goals for myself.
*stop biting my finger nails! This is such a disgusting habit that I've been caught in since I was a child. I have good years and bad years with this. I'll let you know how my nails look in '09!
*more time in prayer. This is a daily goal!
*more time in the word. My heart desires the word of God though my head does not follow through on the hearts emotions.
*healthy living. This could turn into a "woe is me, I need to lose weight" sort of deal - but that's not my goal. Being healthy and feeling that is my goal. While yes, I have (unfortunately) gained the 20 pounds (maybe more) back that I lost when I first moved to Vancouver, I'm just not feeling healthy. I am going to get out and walk more and watch what I'm eating. Healthy living.
In regards to my goals, I'll share some of what I wrote in my journal last night:
So far some serious suckage has happened in regards to the goals. I suppose that will have to be my goal for this week - to work on my goals. Sad.
Determination. Feels as though I lack determination. Thinking back, I think its whats been missing through a lot of my life. That drive to succeed. I just don't have it.
Would it be back to pray for determination? I don't want to be the kind of person who only has drive to get things done and lacks character and passion - but maybe a little more determination (mixed with discipline, of course) is just what I need for 2009. Hmmm....
2 days ago
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