December 21, 2008

let it snow...

We have been have some actual winter weather this week. The temperature has dropped a little lower than normal, it hasn't rained in a week, and we've had about 40cm of snow (if not more) in less than a week! Definitely not normal for Vancouver!
I am glad, in many ways, that I am not originally from here, so this weather does not affect me as it does some people. I enjoy walking in it, and its the perfect time to go out and about because most people are afraid to leave their houses!! Though the snow here is so different than snow out east, almost fluffier.

Garden party anyone?

Preparing to shovel. This city is so not used to snow that my house didn't even have a shovel!! We do now =) I didn't stay this bundled up for long - its pretty warm out, and you definitely work up a sweat while shoveling!


Matt Elcome said...

See, I told you Vancouver got buried in snow. Although, we've been getting a dumping here in Ontario too.

Anonymous said...

Got a bunch here in Portland, Oregon too. I'm pretty sure it's the most we've had since long before I was born! Cool. I like taking pictures of it all... need a new camera though.

Meghan said...

Den, you are soo cute!