November 25, 2008

lots of tears

There have been many tears shed recently. I've been crying a lot (God's doing) and have been trying to get used to the idea of being a 'wheeping intercessor.' Not sure I'm 100% happy with it (God's got a pretty funny sense of humour!), but ultimately things are being prayed for and God know's what He's doing. He is definitely bringing me into a new season.

Lots of tears being shed at my work as well. These tears are ones I really enjoy seeing and hear. While they are often from real deep places of pain and suffering for the women in the program, they are also healing - I encourage tears. I am also being blessed through my own tears.

On a non-tearful note, my living room is decorated for Christmas, and I've got Christmas music playing on my work computer today! But its raining - doesn't feel much like Christmas! Still, my house is comfy and relaxing. I'm loving sitting in there with all the candles burning, a fire lit and a good book open (or facebook open!!).



Anonymous said...

I probably know some of what you feel... though I have no idea your reasons, if they are the same (sounds like it). I've been a big baby lately. It seems I'm crying a few times a week, sometimes every day. It's a new thing for me. It has quite often been paired up with intercessory prayer and cries to God.

I'm thinking maybe I should change my name to Jeremiah or something. I guess most men are ashamed of crying. I never really cared about such things. I consider it a privilege to be made weak. Otherwise I might not be pointed to God in my suffering. He provides the comfort I need.

I think perhaps people "like us" are meant to comfort others in their troubles. Those that haven't really been through much difficulty or sadness in life are not quite as effective in this sort of comforting, encouraging ministry. Empathy and understanding are powerful tools.

Lately when I have seen people crying, it makes me cry. Hearing a song makes me cry. Reading the Bible makes me cry. Sitting in silence makes me cry. Seemingly anything can be a trigger, as I'm ridiculously contemplative about everything right now. I've truly mourned and weeped... a deeper "cry" than I've experienced ever before. I'm a crying fool! Yet each time it happens, almost invariably I'm strengthened beyond belief with power from on High! The Spirit has been present during these times... almost as if my tears help to heal my soul. Weird.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of Christmas music... I LOVE IT! I think it is one of my favorite types of music. Just a couple days ago I was talking to my mom about it, wishing I had more of the classics to listen to.

Some people absolutely hate "early Christmas"... decorations, music and all that. I love it. I have to admit the consumerism and junk that the world calls "Christmas" can get me down some years... but in general it is one of my favorite times of year (I probably like summer just a tad better!)

Denise said...

Yea, its definitely been an interesting time. I will walk into rooms and feel almost instantly that the Lord will want to bring tears at some point or another while I'm there - its usually in a prayer meeting, worship time or something really specific like that. He's also been having me, through the tears bare the burdens of those I'm praying for - intense, but extremely healing. As much as my flesh wants to say its annoying (because its so draining), my spirit is welcoming in all senses.

The music I have at work isn't the greatest - must be on the search this year for more!

kathryn said...

i think we must be clones. . I am a similarly weeping, teary, crying person. . I have often disliked that about myself - but it seems its how God has designed me. . so i can only thank Him. I cry in prayer, i cry listening to others share, i cry thinking about the beauty of God, I cry at movies, i cry while reading books, magazines, listening to music, worshiping, on and on i cry. Dee. . .i love that you are so sensitive. . I always say i love your heart and spirit, cuz i really do!!! xoxo