February 21, 2007

interesting stuff

I find this whole blogging world very interesting. On one hand, having a blog is a way for my family and friends who aren't near me to keep on top of what's happening in my life/ministry. On another hand, its a way for me to get some thoughts out and be vulnerable and transparent about my life - well, as V&T as I'm willing to be online! My writing style may not be all that good but my thoughts are mine and the ones I put on here at those that I'm wishing to share with everyone who may read.

Here is what interests me today...

On days when I share silly thoughts, pictures, or randomness, I get many comments. However, on days when I share a little more of my heart, what's going on with my spirit or what's REALLY going on in the life of Denise in Bangor, no one responds. Why is that? Are the real things in life scary? Are they un-nerving? What about them makes people uncomfortable enough not to respond?

Ok, so, I'm not saying this to force people into responding. Curiosity really did just kill the cat here. The thoughts popped into my head so I'm sharing.

Things that make you go Hmmm....



Alberta Rockstar said...

maybe the whole world has stopped responding too....i ponder this too....un till then...i sleep on it! :-P

Debbie said...

Whoa, I'm feeling convicted. I wrote a response to your blog yesterday. Computer did something weird and I couldn't post. Finally, I gave up. I am now sorry I wasn't more persistent. There is a lesson in there.
Basically, I was thanking you for your transparency. Also wanted you to know how much I appreciate your ministry here in Bangor - not to mention your friendship :-)

Anonymous said...

My computer wouldn't let me post on ur other blog yesterday... but it worked today... b4 I accutally read this blog... werid...I wish I kept trying too...