January 21, 2007

listen in church

When you sit to and actually listen in church, God really does show up!

This is not a new revelation in my life, somtimes its just very easy to be distracted by everything else that's going on around the room.

However, this morning, I was paying attention and God really spoke through the 2 points made in the sermon.

1. "Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life." Proverbs 4:23
2. Trust what He's telling you(His promises) and walk it out in your life. (Ok, this isn't the way it was phrased, but I didn't write it down! You get the idea)

Are these new revelations for me? Not even close. God has been reminding me to guard my heart for many years. At times I do pretty well, other times, not so much. He also, a few years ago, started revealing little bits of things that He has for my life. In the beginning I was pretty good at being faithful, and patient.
As I was becoming more faithful, He revealed more - its amazing how God works! When He revealed, I dropped my guard, allowing Satan to run rampant with my heart; spreading into my mind. This past week I've been reminded of this more than once. Listening in church this morning was only the cherry on top.
God may have been speaking to me alone today and I would be fine with that(PTL I was listening!). However, I doubt very much that was the case.

Trust and Obey.



Alberta Rockstar said...

me to b!

lol ya so i love cherrys and God sized ones, well not cheerys the size of God cuz i wouldn't be able to eat that but the the form of God. umm thats all i ahve to say profound!

Christine said...

Hey Denise!
I find that writing notes during sermons helps me REALLY listen. Sometimes if i am not writing i will just sit there and it doesn't sink in, but if i am taking notes, i listen for stuff that God is telling me through the message. It works..it really does ^_^

God Bless!

kathryn said...

Dee. . that's so great. Thank you for encouraging me by sharing this.

Andrew said...

Hey speaking about not listening in Church, our new assistant officers who are to start a Chinese ministry were installed by the DC yesterday. During his prayer he also prayed for me and my position. Then after he asked me if I heard the prayer. I said, "What prayer?" It is a little embarrassing. I guess I must have been off with the pixies somewhere or either in deep reflection (the earlier I think). So the moral to the story is, Listen in Church! :-)